
How to Walk in Evening Dress for a Beauty Pageant

When you think of pageantry, you think of boutique formal dresses. Nothing is more beautiful than watching a pageant girl walking in her evening gown in front of a crowd. Yet, with all of the beautiful gowns, how does a girl really stand out from the competition?
In this brief video below we are going to show you step-by-step (pun intended) how to walk in a evening gown. In the video we give you the mechanics of “how” to walk.
How to Have a Confident Pageant Walk
Before you watch the video the one thing we do not cover that is VERY important for you to know is that whenever you are walking in evening gown, your confidence is even more important than your walk.
Knowing that you are the queen to beat before you step out onto the stage is more important than the mechanics of walking. To put you in this mindset, I encourage you to think of a celebrity that you feel is the best representation of class and beauty. Then as you stroll on the stage in front of the audience, pretend you are that celebrity on the red carpet.
When walking on on stage pretend you are the celebrity walking in front of the photographers and fans. Notice in your mind how she doesn’t rush or hurry out of the spot light. She simply soaks in the attention and for a moment she is the most important woman at the event.
This borrowed confidence can make all of the difference in your walk, in your confidence, and in the crowning moment to come.
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Read more: http://monimax.over-blog.com/

